Secondary Student Council

The secondary student councils at Tashkent International School are designed to give students significant leadership opportunities, allowing them to work together to create a better student community.
Through the student council experience, students are taught to take initiative, develop leadership skills, participate in service learning activities and work in a cross-cultural team environment.
The overall student council consists of six separate sub-councils that oversee various aspects of student life and activities at Tashkent International School:
- Middle School StuCo
- High School StuCo
- Catering Council
- Co-Curricular Council
- Tech Council
- Service Learning Council
Middle School STUCO consists of members who volunteer for StuCo through the After-School Activities program. They organize events that will appeal to students their age, such as dances, game nights, a chess tournament, a snow night, and community service opportunities.
The Middle School StuCo often works with the Elementary and Secondary StuCo’s to organize school-wide events.
The High School Student Council (StuCo) is a student-run organization responsible for advocacy and organizing various events for students such as dance, game and movie nights (in collaboration with the Tech Council).
When students wish to express their ideas or complaints to the school administration, they often channel them through StuCo. We then discuss the issues and suggestions during our meetings, come up with proposals or letters, and address them to the administration.
The role of the Catering Council is to provide concessions at major activities, including sporting events and dances. In the past this has meant beverages, candy bars, sweets and homemade goods. Recently the council redeveloped its offerings and began providing a wider variety of healthy, homemade food options during school events.
This council is a representative of the secondary student body and meets weekly to support, promote and celebrate sports and arts at Tashkent International School.
The Co-Curricular Council hosts and organizes many events including the Central Asian Basketball Championship and Central Asian Soccer Classic. The council also supports a variety of school events including music, drama and arts events.
The council believes that if a student is involved in arts and sports along with their academic education, they will have a more balanced school life which will greatly help develop their potential.
Students interested in creating within the digital world find a welcome outlet in the TIS Tech Council. Here students are responsible for creating digital promotion for school events such as computer desktop screen savers, posters for arts productions, materials for the Central Asian Basketball Classic, and homepage banners for elementary game night, regular sporting events and student council activities.
The Tech Council also organizes various fun events of its own such as movie night and video gaming night.
The goal of the Tech Council is to raise awareness about digital citizenship and show students how they can have a digital side to their normal, hard-copy, analog lives.
The power of the digital era is quickly emerging and the Tech Council is ready to welcome the TIS community into this new, exciting and fast-paced way to know and be known. No special skills are needed to be a member of the Tech Council. The only prerequisite is the desire to learn, explore and discover while having fun.
The main role of the Service Learning Council at Tashkent International School is to promote, encourage and initiate service-learning activities within and outside the walls of TIS.
Recently the council initiated the “Hackathon,” an event in which a number of students from different grades came together collaboratively generated ideas for service-learning activities for the topics of common interest. The council continues to help these students improve and further develop their ideas, with the goal of finally getting a financial support from the school to make it real.
Finally, the service learning council provides the continuity between the Middle Years Programme Service Learning and Diploma Programme CAS (Creativity, Action, Service), allowing the activities and projects run in CAS to be taken over by MYP students when the DP students graduate.
The TIS student council system was first introduced in 2011-2012 with the overall goal of moving away from the traditional model of teacher-led to student-led activities. Each council has at least one faculty advisor to help guide and direct the council leadership team but he/she remains hands-off as much as possible to allow students the freedom to be responsible for their own community.
Parliament of Owls
The Parliament of Owls is an advisory group that governs the overall council system; its members are the presidents from each separate council. The parliament meets on an as-needed basis to give advice, set goals and discuss the various activities sponsored by the councils.
The student councils are open to all students in grades 6 through 12 at TIS. If you are interested in joining a council, please contact the appropriate faculty advisor.