MYP Coordinator’s Welcome

Sean Tangey
MYP Coordinator
The information contained is intended to give you a brief overview of the Academic MYP subjects that your child will be studying. Further information can be found on Managebac where you will find the Gradebook and unit details of what your child is studying. If you are not able to login in to Managebac then please
contact and they will be able to assist you. Managebac allows you to gather real time information on the program of study that your child is following. It also allows you to see assessment data and comments on student work.
Below is a list of class expectations that students adhere to.
Student Expectations
● Students must come to class on time.
● Students must come to class prepared. This means that they must:
– bring a Chromebook or laptop fully charged,
– bring all necessary course books and materials,
– bring a pencil case or writing tools,
– bring a planner, or have access to an electronic planner,
– bring their PE shirt when they have PHE lessons
– complete all work assigned to the best of their ability.
● Students must be able to speak in English, although they may sometimes use their home language to check for understanding”
● Students are encouraged to always ask questions when not sure about the work.
● Students are strongly encouraged to participate in all class activities, whether individually or in small groups.
● Students are expected to demonstrate the IB Learner Profile characteristics in and out of class.
● Students are expected to use technology positively to enhance their learning.
We at TIS believe that only when we challenge ourselves, explore our boundaries and connect with others, do we achieve our full potential. We are committed to making our MYP Programme the best it can be so that we can provide our students with the personal, social, and academic foundation they need to be successful.
Sean Tangey