Middle Years Programme

Students in grades 6-10 are at a critical stage of development as they are undergoing dramatic physical, personal, social and intellectual changes. They are also becoming more aware of the wider world around them. It is a time of questioning and challenging, which can be exciting, confusing and a bit frightening all at the same time. The IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) aims to help students through this crucial time by fostering a sense of belonging and a positive attitude to learning. Learning how to learn, how to evaluate information and communicate their learning are important to the program.
The MYP has three fundamental concepts:
- The programme is holistic
- The programme fosters inter-cultural awareness
- The programme stresses the importance of communication
Personal Project
The culminating project of the MYP is the Personal Project. Each grade 10 student has this exciting opportunity to complete a major piece of work on a project of their choice, under the guidance of a supervising teacher.
If you have any questions about the Middle Years Programme at TIS, please do not hesitate to contact the MYP Coordinator.