Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Like all schools, TIS has its own uniqueness, whether it be the city, country, internal functions, etc.
Here are common questions that we frequently answer…
If we didn’t answer your questions below, please click this link to Ask Us a Question!
My child doesn’t speak English, can they still attend TIS?
There is no minimum English language requirement for applicants to Grades 1-8, as TIS offers English Language Learners (ELL) support.
Prospective Secondary students whose mother tongue language is not English will take a Languages assessment. Completed under the supervision of the applicant’s current school (or arranged with TIS), the results of the assessment are used to evaluate suitability for our program and determine whether English support at TIS is warranted.
Students in the Elementary and Secondary who meet our admission requirements but are in need of English language support will receive support from our English Language Learners (ELL) teachers.
TIS does not offer ELL service to students from Grades 10-12, where English fluency is required.
What are the typical hours in a school day?
TIS school days run from 8:20-15:20 (half day for Owlets, our youngest students – until 12:00).
After School Activities run from 15:30-16:30.
Does TIS have a categorised admission criteria?
When considering new applicant families, TIS has developed three main categories. The following table lists the school’s full category criterion for new applicants:
Category | Criteria |
Category 1 | Students enrolled at the end of the previous school year whose families are in good current financial standing with the school and whose parents have the students’ intention to return, prior to the re-enrolment deadline (normally in April). |
Category 2 |
Dependent children of founding member organisations of TIS – or attached to diplomatic work driven/sponsored by these embassies:
Category 3 | Dependent children of any embassy or departments attached to diplomatic work driven/sponsored by embassies with an established presence in Uzbekistan and headquartered in Tashkent. |
Category 4 | Dependent children of any expatriate citizen(s) attached to work driven/sponsored by multinational corporations or approved business with an established presence in Tashkent. |
Additional applicants for the next school year will then be considered for admission based on the date the application process is completed. If a waitpool is necessary, qualified applicants will be admitted on a “first come, first served” basis, including Host Country Nationals (HCN).
Can I have an assistant complete the application for my child(ren)?
TIS requires a parent/legal guardian to complete the application (or ask any questions/schedule a visit) for all children.
This is due to sensitive and specific questions that are required for parents/legal guardians – who know their child(ren) best – to complete, as well as for Child Safeguarding best practice.
Can I come to the school and fill out an application?
Please click the Apply link here on this page to begin your application (you may also ask us a question or schedule a visit). TIS has a fully digitized admissions system which helps us (and allows you) to gather the most accurate and complete information about your child(ren).
Please plan to spend 20-30 minutes – with a computer, not mobile phone (for best data entry and to avoid delay/rejection) – to complete. Please also do not use Safari, as in rare circumstances, a challenge may arise advancing to the next page. Chrome is recommended.
What is the average class size?
TIS is highly focused on providing personalised attention to every student. Nobody is ever a number here and we love to ensure that this pastoral care is at the heart and center of everything we do.
To that end, you may expect that the average class size for Pre-School is 12/class, Elementary School is 14-15/class, and up to 19/class for Secondary School.
How "International" is TIS?
While many schools state they are international, you’ll discover that TIS truly means it. It is the most international school in Tashkent with 80+% of its students representing nationalities from around the globe.
Of this percentage, no more than 20% is of one nationality (this currently is American). TIS also recognises the uniqueness of Uzbekistan and allows Uzbek families to apply for admission to the school, though this is highly competitive and merit-based.
Does TIS accept students during the school year?
TIS operates on a rolling admissions basis and has families whose children enter the school throughout the academic year – mostly in January and February for the second semester. When this occurs, the regular application process is followed and students are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis if space is available.
Applications for admission for the upcoming school year are opened in the late fall preceding the next year.
Don’t be alarmed if you don’t receive an answer straight away, as the school must first re-admit its existing students – normally during the March-April time frame. But we will spend this time reviewing applications. From there, we will provide very quick answers to families once our full re-enrolment compliment is established, and space availability on each grade level is accurately understood and planned for.
Once a grade is full, a waitpool is started.
Can I reserve a space for my child for a second semester entry in January?
While TIS cannot guarantee available spaces, given the high demand, please submit your application and all necessary paperwork to the school office as far in advance of your posting to Tashkent as you are able.
Does TIS accept children with learning disabilities?
TIS does accept some students with individualised education plans (modified programs – which must be disclosed on applications, or they will be rejected) and some with special needs.
In such cases, the school administration and faculty will work with the family to find and identify a full- or part-time local learning support aid and/or tutors and develop a modified program of instruction, if needed. Such applicants are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Admission is granted only if we feel the educational and social needs of the student can be met by TIS.
If you are in doubt, please contact the school via the Ask a Question button before submitting your application or before making a final bid on a posting to Tashkent with your sponsoring organisation.
English-speaking educational psychologists, speech therapists and physiotherapists are not generally available for consultation in Tashkent.
Does TIS offer reduced rate admission?
No, TIS does not offer reduced rate admission.
Does TIS offer Bussing Services?
TIS does not offer typical bussing services. However, children of both U.S. and Israeli diplomatic missions and affiliated offices do provide services for these students.
Does TIS offer Boarding Services?
TIS does not offer Boarding Services. All student applicants must reside with their parent(s)/legal guardian(s), without exception.