Admissions Process

Admissions Process at TIS
We consider student applicants who are within required age ranges and for whom the school can offer an appropriate and supportive education, as determined by this application and review process.
TIS’s main teaching and learning language is English, though we offer English Language Learning (ELL) support from Grades 1-8.
Fluent English is required for high school applicants (Grades 9-12).
Early Learning Center (ELC) applicants must be toilet-trained.
(Owlet applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are closed.)
We admit children on a rolling basis throughout each school year, so rest assured, if you are relocating in the middle of our year, you will have a chance for application and acceptance to TIS.
Admission Steps
Now, please read further to understand the key steps in the full Admissions process…
Step 1: Complete the TIS Application Form and Checklist
Applications to TIS need to be submitted – In English – via our online application system, OpenApply.
Applications Must Be Completed by the Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) and NEVER a Third Party or Student.
Each application requires the accurate entry of data and supporting documentation (which we will guide you through) and payment of the non-refundable application fee of $100 USD, per application.
The system allows you to review the completeness of your application through the Checklist in your dashboard. We recommend you log on to your dashboard on a regular basis to ensure completeness, as we will only review a complete application.
When completing the application, you will be asked to upload the following:
- A current photo of the applicant (Follow the instructions explicitly please to avoid delay/rejection)
- A copy of your child’s passport ID page
- A copy of each parent/legal guardian’s passport ID page
Other forms on the checklist are to be completed within OpenApply.
- A confidential teacher questionnaire from your child’s current school
- The previous three years of school reports (starting from Grade 3) from all schools attended – including the most current term report.
- A parent questionnaire for children entering Early Learning Center (ELC) or Elementary School.
- Student transcript for Grade 10-12 applications.
All documents must be in English or accompanied by an English translation.
Applicants with special learning needs will need to provide additional information to determine if our programme is able to meet these needs.
Any recent diagnostic reports/psycho-educational evaluations and current Individual Education Plan (IEP) should be submitted. It is the responsibility of parents to give a full declaration of possible special educational needs in the initial application submission. Failure to properly disclose this information will result in a rejection of the application or disenrolment of an accepted student.
Step 2 - Application Review
TIS strives to accept all applicants, but it is not guaranteed…
Admission to TIS is subject to the availability of places at a specific year level and the capabilities of our staff to deliver the highest quality application to students. If student needs or other factors exceed our skills or do not align with our community, we may be forced to deny admission.
TIS performs all its student application evaluations with great attention and detail toward a combination of:
- Academic standing
- Possible learning support needs
- Possible language support (English Language Learner – ELL) needs
- Behavioral factors
TIS prioritises the admission of student applicants based on the following:
Category | Description |
Category 1 | Students enrolled at the end of the previous school year whose families are in good current financial standing with the school and whose parents have the students’ intention to return, prior to the re-enrolment deadline (normally in April). |
Category 2 |
Dependent children of founding member organisations of TIS – or attached to diplomatic work driven/sponsored by these embassies:
Category 3 | Dependent children of any embassy or departments attached to diplomatic work driven/sponsored by embassies with an established presence in Uzbekistan and headquartered in Tashkent. |
Category 4 | Dependent children of any expatriate citizen(s) attached to work driven/sponsored by multinational corporations or approved business with an established presence in Tashkent. |
Additional applicants for the next school year will then be considered for admission based on the date the application process is completed. If a waitpool is necessary, qualified applicants will be admitted on a “first come, first served” basis, including Host Country Nationals (HCN).
Denial: Though TIS is focused on admitting as many internationally minded families as possible, the school may decide to deny admission when there are concerns about behaviour, academic achievement, and/or when a candidate’s English language proficiency does not meet the requirement of the year level to which they are applying. Admission may also be denied when the school is unable to adequately meet an individual student’s learning needs. If an applicant is denied admission, notification of the decision will be communicated to the family by the Admissions Office.
Step 3 - Admissions Decision
If your application is successful…
Parents will receive a formal offer of a place by email from the Admissions Office.
To confirm enrolment, parents will be asked via the Admissions system to complete the following three (3) steps:
- Complete the Enrollment Confirmation form:
- Verify that all student, parent/legal guardian, and payment contact information is accurate (and to update where not – usually an address).
- Read, acknowledge, and electronically sign a contract which honours our Terms and Conditions including Statement of Community, Child Safeguarding, Financial Regulations, and Data Protection Policy.
- Complete the Student Health Information form and upload vaccination/immunisation records.
- Add Emergency Contact Information.
When this information is returned to the Admissions Office, we will mark your child(ren) as formally enrolled.
Our business office will then proceed to invoice the school fees for the beginning term of enrolment, with payment guidance and a due date for payment.
School fees must be paid by the due date and prior to the student’s first day in school.
Step 4: Interview, Orientation, and the First Days of School
The Admissions Office is here to ensure that once the above three steps are completed, you receive a personalized interview for your child(ren), so that we may begin the exciting step of orienting your family to the TIS community.
Additionally, we will be holding class and grade-level orientations or Open Days for all families prior to the start of the school year.
Note: If your child(ren) happens to begin school during a school year, we will further customize to ensure that you receive individualized care when you arrive; including pairing the child(ren) up with grade level buddies/ambassadors.
We will continue to monitor your child(ren)’s progress and orientation throughout the school year (and into the next, if necessary) to ensure that they are fully joyful and happy in their TIS experience and learning and that your family, by extension, is as well.
Useful Documentation
TIS Documents
If you would like more information on specific academic programs within the school, please find them in the Learning section on this website. The following contains general schoolwide information:
As part of its school ethos, TIS has a strict policy of non-discrimination for any function, including this one, based on race, colour, religion, gender, national or ethnic origin in its application review and decision making. TIS is, however, first and foremost an English-speaking and learning international school and strives to maintain a large diversity of students from all nationalities.