TIS – Parent-Teacher Organization.

Welcome to the TIS Parent Teacher Organization page!
The TIS PTO is a parent-driven organization which enjoys full support from the school. Its main objective is for parents to organize fun extra-curricular activities and social events that would have educational benefit for the children. As families come and go, the body of members is renewed every year with new parents bringing new ideas and “old” parents keeping the best of the TIS PTO traditions, like family picnics and the annual Spring Ball.
The purpose of the PTO is to actively promote cooperation between parents and the school, which creates a productive and supportive school environment. To do this, the PTO has several objectives:
• Support the educational experience of children at TIS and the school in general;
• Build a lively and cohesive school community by organizing activities, programs and projects that support this goal;
• Facilitate and strengthen communication among all members of the school community;
• Cooperate with other community and school organizations in support of charities; and
• Work with administration to ensure that new families are welcomed.
Even though membership in the PTO does not require parents to do anything, we hope that each parent will choose to be actively involved. Our school’s greatest resource is its community of parents, students, faculty and staff. TIS simply cannot achieve its potential without parent involvement.
PTO meetings are open to all parents. If you have any ideas on how to make TIS an even greater school, you are most welcome to join and share your ideas! The more parents involved, the better.
If you are interested in joining us, send us an email at pto@tashschool.org.
We look forward to seeing new faces at every meeting.
The TIS Parent Teacher Organization